A lot of people have motion sickness so they can relate to the uncomfortable feeling Amir experiences.
While on their travels, they get stopped by a Russian solider. The Solider fancied a women and asks for a half hour with her as a tax for letting them pass. Baba is not overly impressed with this and is furious with the solider.
"Tell him I'll take a thousand of his bullets before I let this indecency take place."-pg 122
The solider prepares to shoot Baba but then another Russian solider knocks him unconscious. During the actions of Baba,it shows how brave he is by taking a stand against a solider. Amir has a flash back to six years ago to the time in the ally when Hassan was raped and he didn't do anything to stop it. Amir seems to Admire Baba's bravery.
Amir,Baba and the other refugees arrive in Jalalabad to find that the truck to take them to Peshawar has been broken for 2 weeks. Baba is once again furious and tries to choke Karim (the person who was driving the first vehicle)but stops after a young women begs him to. While waiting for the truck to be fixed, Amir discovers that Kamal (one of the kids who used to bully him) is also there with his father.I found that the way Kamal was described,interesting. It seems that he doesn't talk, and I'm assuming it has something to do with the Day Assef raped hassan.
Karim finds a fuel truck that can take them all to Pakistan. Once they arrive there Kamal starts to choke and can't breath. At the end of the chapter he dies. Kamal's father takes Karim's gun and shoots himself.
I'm really enjoying this book, I think it can only get better from here.