The Kite Runner book cover

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chapter 10 !

 The chapter begins March 1981(during this time people are fleeing to places like Iran and Pakistan to escape the strife in their country). Amir is now 18 years old. Baba and Amir are leaving Kabul and heading to Jalalabad with several other refugees. Amir still get cars sick at age 18 and Baba is very embarrassed of this.
A lot of people have motion sickness so they can relate to the uncomfortable feeling Amir experiences.
 While on their travels, they get stopped by a Russian solider. The Solider fancied a women and asks for a half hour with her as a tax for letting them pass. Baba is not overly impressed with this and is furious with the solider.
"Tell him I'll take a thousand of his bullets before I let this indecency take place."-pg 122
 The solider prepares to shoot Baba but then another Russian solider knocks him unconscious.
 During the actions of Baba,it shows how brave he is by taking a stand against a solider. Amir has a flash back to six years ago to the time in the ally when Hassan was raped and he didn't do anything to stop it. Amir seems to Admire Baba's bravery.
 Amir,Baba and the other refugees arrive in Jalalabad to find that the truck to take them to Peshawar has been broken for 2 weeks. Baba is once again furious and tries to choke Karim (the person who was driving the first vehicle)but stops after a young women begs him to. While waiting for the truck to be fixed, Amir discovers that Kamal (one of the kids who used to bully him) is also there with his father.
 I found that the way Kamal was described,interesting. It seems that he doesn't talk, and I'm assuming it has something to do with the Day Assef raped hassan.
 Karim finds a fuel truck that can take them all to Pakistan. Once they arrive there Kamal starts to choke and can't breath. At the end of the chapter he dies. Kamal's father takes Karim's gun and shoots himself.
I'm really enjoying this book, I think it can only get better from here.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chapter 9 !

 In this chapter Amir receives Baba's birthday gift for him. Baba gets him a new bike and a wristwatch. Amir can't stand to look at any of his gifts because he feels like he doesn't deserve them. This is probably because he feels insanely guilty over what has happened to Hassan.
 I think people can relate to this because everyone has dones something in their life that made them feel guilty. Or maybe kept something from someone that made them feel guilty. Even lying to someone to keep a secret can make you feel guilty.
 Ali and Hassan get Amir a new copy of Shahnamah(his favourtie book) which he puts in a pile with all of the other gifts because he can't stand to look at them. Amir hides his gift money and wrist watch under Hassan's bed in hope that will get rid of him so he will no longer feel guilty.
 Even if Amir's plan worked, he would still feel guilty. The term "out of sight out of mind" wouldn't really apply to Amir, because his guilt is eating him up inside.
 Baba fins the "missing" items and Hassan admits to stealing even when everyone is aware that he didn't. Ali decided that it is best for them to leave with much protest from Baba.
 Even though Amir has gotten what he wished for I don't think that the problem will just go away. I think that Amir will be guilty through the entire novel. I'm just hoping he finds a way to be friends with Hassan again. However is I was Hassan I wouldn't want to trust Amir in the first place.

Chapter 8 !

 In this chapter Amir begs Baba to go to Jalalabad (a town in eastern Afghanistan)
Amir is hoping it's just him and Baba going but he invites all of his extended family, making Amir upset because he just wants to spend time with him.
 I can understand Amir's desire to spend time with his father.My dad works in Toronto and is gone early in the morning and doesn't get back till late at night, so i don't get to spend a lot of time with him during the week.
 Amir also turns 13 in this chapter (the year being 1976), and Baba decided to throw a HUGE party for Amir.

"Baba's motto about throwing parties was this: invite the whole world or it's not a party." -pg99

Amir doesn't enjoy himself because he really doesn't know anyone at all.
 This is relate-able to a lot of kids because parents are always trying to out-do each other with the parties they throw for there own kids. The only difference being that most kids have their friends , not people they don't know.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Authors & Secondary Sources

1) Author: Khaled Hosseini Title: The Kite Runner
2) I had never heard of this author before the book. I was really quite interested in the book at first, because my grandma told me it was a great book.
3) The author Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1965.His father was a diplomat with the Afghan Foreign Ministry while his mother taught Farsi and History at a large high school. Hosseini graduated from high school in 1984 and enrolled at Santa Clara University for a bachelor's degree in Biology. 
4) A Thousand Splendid Suns was the only other book that has been published by Hosseini.
5) The author grew up in Afghanistan where the novel takes place which, I will assume, is one of his influences for the novel.
6) One of the main themes I have picked up on in the novel is loyalty. Hassan is a very loyal friend to Amir. Amir, however, is very disloyal to Hassan because he pretends he doesn't know what happened to Hassan when Amir asks even thought he does.
7) I could not currently find any of this information.
8) 1)Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. Anchor Canada, 2003. 391. Print.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Chapter 7 !

 The chapter begins with Amir and Hassan eating breakfast, and Hassan explains tell Amir his dream. It's the day of the kite running competition and you can tell that Amir feels a great amount of pressure from Himself and Baba to win this year. If Amir is to win, he feels that Baba will finally be proud of him. Amir is also extremely nervous because if he loses he thinks that he will never be able to make Baba proud. Hassan comforts him by saying..

 "Remember Amir agha. There's no monster, just a beautiful day."-pg 65 
 The quote refers to his dream in which He and Amir swim in a lake where there is a supposed monster. Buy swimming in the lake they prove there is no monster and the people name the lake in honour of their bravery.
Amir ends up making it to the finals and begins to see victory within his reach.

"But this was my chance to be looked at, not seen, listened to ,not heard"-pg 69 
 Amir wins and Hassan offers to run the kite he won against as a trophy. Hassan is gone for a long time and Amir goes off to look for him. When Amir asks a merchant he tells him that Hassan was being chased by some other boys. When Amir finally finds him he has been cornered by Assef and his friends, Assef also wants the kite. Assef is prepared to beat up Hassan, but if he gives him the kite he'll let him go. Hassan knows that the kite would mean a lot to Amir and refuses to give it up. Hassan gets raped in this chapter ,however, Amir can see what is happening but runs away not knowing what to do.
 At this point in the book I had to stop reading because the book become very graphic and it made me quite uncomfortable find Hassan's character to be quite interesting and I’ve grown to like him very much. It made me feel upset know that Amir knew yet he ran away anyways even though Hassan is his friend.
 The chapter ends with Amir pretending to just find Hassan and they walk home together.